


Amili Blake is a devoted husband, father of 3, an army veteran, and ordained deacon with over 30 years in healthcare. He aims to be a voice for the marginalized, rejecting divisive politics and prioritizing integrity and accountability. 

With a clear game plan focused on practical solutions, he pledges to represent all constituents effectively. He embodies principles of compassion and fairness, and is committed to making tangible improvements in healthcare accessibility and community welfare.

As a state senate candidate, he promises to lead with sincerity, ensuring every voice is heard and every concern addressed. With him in office, constituents can trust that their needs and their interests will be represented.

Amili Blake is a devoted husband, father of 3, an army veteran, and ordained deacon with over 30 years in healthcare. He aims to be a voice for the marginalized, rejecting divisive politics and prioritizing integrity and accountability. 

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